Muzaffer Albayrak

Muzaffer Albayrak is a shareholder - along with his five brothers - and the the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Albayrak Yayın Holding A.Ş., which owns Yeni Şafak newspaper, seven magazines and two TV channels. He's also the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors in Tümosan Savunma Sanayi̇ A.Ş. which took a 190 million Euro tender to construct tanks for the Ministry of National Defence in 2015. In 2013, parliament members from the AKP and government officials, including Avni Mutlu, the then Governor of Istanbul; Kadir Topbaş, the then Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor; and Mehmet Atalay, the then head of the Press Advertisement Institution (Basın İlan Kurumu - BİK), attended his son's engagement ceremony. The Albayrak group is known to have close ties to the ruling AKP and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The group has taken dozens of public tenders especially since the mid 90s, some of which were subject to claims and investigations of corruption.
Oil and Gas
Dolu Akaryakıt Pazarlama Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, In the Board of Directors
Si̇stem İnşaat Turi̇zm Sanayi̇ ve Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇, Shareholder %20; Albayrak Holdi̇ng Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, In the Board of Directors
Metering Systems
Si̇stemli̇ Dağıtım Hi̇zmetleri̇ Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
Tümosan Döküm Anonim Şirketi, Head of the Board of Directors
Albi̇l Merkezi̇ Hi̇zmetler ve Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
Ereğli̇ Teksti̇l Turi̇zm Sanayi̇ ve Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, Head of the Board of Directors
Kademe Atık Teknoloji̇leri̇ Sanayi̇ Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
Tümosan Savunma Sanayi̇ Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
Paper Products
Varaka Kağıt Sanayi̇ Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇, the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
Further Information
Retrieved October 26, 2021, from