Founded in 1964 and having begun to test broadcast in 1968, TRT1 is Turkey’s first national channel and was the only TV channel until 1990. With the amendments to the 1961 Constitution, TRT gained autonomous structure with the law enacted on May 1, 1964, but it lasted until 1972; so, it lost its autonomy. After the amendment in 1993, the state authority on TRT was over. Although as a state channel, it should not work with any power group, TRT seemed to take sides according to the report of Transparency International on election periods.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
State Owned
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Free content
Ownership Structure
State owned
General Information
Founding Year
Kurtuluş Zeydan
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Kurtuluş Zeydan, born in Hakkari, is a graduate of Gazi University's Communications Faculty. In 1994, he started working for TRT, where he produced many programs. In October 2010, he became the Manager of Programming at TRT1, and since 2013, he's been working as the General Coordinator. His father Mustafa Zeydan was elected in 2003 as a Parliament Member from Hakkari - first independently, then switched to ANAP and eventually to the AKP. One of his brothers, Rüstem Zeydan, was a Parliament Member for AKP (from Hakkari) between 2007-2011 and a candidate in 2015. His other brother, Abdullah Zeydan, was a candidate for the pro-Kurdish HDP for Hakkari in 2015. Kurtuluş Zeydan’s father-in-law Fuat Sönmez also held managerial positions at TRT.
Other Important People
Mehmet Zaid Sobacı was born in 1980 in Niksar district of Tokat. He graduated from Uludag University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration in 2001. He received his master's degree in Political Science from the Institute of Social Sciences in 2005, and his doctorate in the Department of Public Administration in 2009. He became an associate professor in 2013 and a professor in 2020. Sobacı, who served as the Vice President of the Directorate of Communications between 2018 and 2021, was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Press Advertisement Institution in 2019. On 14 July 2021, he was appointed as TRT General Manager, replacing İbrahim Eren.
TRT Sitesi Turan Güneş Bulvarı 06540 Оr-аn Аnkara, 0312 463 43 43,
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